Advanced Drug Delivery System

These potential new therapies differ from traditional small molecules and current large molecules. These are often targeted to cell surface targets or provided without a specific molecular targeting strategy. As a result, advanced drug delivery systems for targeted and controlled release of new molecules into tissues and cells are needed to optimize potential benefits to patients.  Our scientists are working to break down the barriers between our most promising new drug candidates and their tissue and cell targets. They are developing a wide range of nanoparticles * aimed at providing new modality to previously non-drug targets and precisely controlling their release in a patient-friendly and convenient formulation. They are also investigating innovative ways to obtain oral biopharmaceuticals through the intestinal wall. It has avoided drug developers for generations. Our biologists gain a better understanding of cell transport mechanisms, and chemists, mathematicians, and pharmaceutical scientists use these insights to optimize the design, properties, analysis, formulation, and delivery of  potential new drugs. increase. Together, they are developing next-generation drug delivery technologies, leading us to a course aimed at transforming the scientific advances that underpin our exciting new modality into the clinical interests of our patients.


  • HPV vaccines
  • Therapeutic vaccination for autoimmune diseases
  • Clinical trials

Related Conference of Advanced Drug Delivery System

July 25-26, 2024

4th International Conference on Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy

Prague, Czech Republic

Advanced Drug Delivery System Conference Speakers