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Suzan Marwan Ramadan Shahin

Suzan Marwan Ramadan Shahin

United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates

Title: Insights into the ethnomedicinal applications of Aerva javanica with scanning electron microscope (SEM) Photos


Biography: Suzan Marwan Ramadan Shahin


Aerva javanica, “known as desert cotton” is an essential oil-bearing plant species. This plant is belonging to the Amaranthaceae (cockscomb) family. A. javanica is a perennial xerophytic shrub, which is common and widespread in tropical and subtropical dry areas. A. javanica has various applications in the traditional herbal medicine of many countries “e.g. Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and United Arab Emirates”. The main purpose of this work is to discuss detailed insights about the ethnomedicinal practices related to this plant, which provide insights into the possible applications in the modern medicine field. Also, the study will provide detailed information about the general characteristic of A. javanica essential oil. Including it is yield, physical characteristics, main chemical groups, main chemical constituents and it is biological activities. Supported with plant part indication and essential oil extraction technology. Also, the study will illustrate scanning electron microscope (SEM) photos for A. javanica leaf (abaxial and adaxial views) collected from the United Arab Emirates wildlife flora. In conclusion, the work will provide some recommendations related to the possible future applications based on A. javanica in the pharmaceutical field.