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Suzan Marwan Ramadan Shahin

Suzan Marwan Ramadan Shahin

United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates


Suzan M Shahin is the Lead Ambassador for all graduate students at the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU). She is a Researcher and PhD candidate in the Aridland Agriculture Department, College of Food and Agriculture, UAEU. She worked as an Instructor in the arid land agriculture department, UAEU, for the period from 2013 to 2015. Her research interests are the UAE indigenous plants, medicinal plants, essential oil extraction and analysis, aromatherapy, anti-oxidant biological activities, natural resources, natural drugs, environmental sciences and sustainable environmental approaches. She is the Co-founder of the promising company Aroma Niche in collaboration with professional members from arid land agriculture, chemical engineering and business administration.


Abstract : Insights into the ethnomedicinal applications of Aerva javanica with scanning electron microscope (SEM) Photos