Pharmaceutical Sciences
Disease is the enemy of mankind, which affects part or all of organism. Efforts to cure or improve the health condition against disease lead a remarkable improvement in the field of pharma. Pharmaceutical science is a wide range of combinations of scientific disciplines that contribute to the discovery and development of new drugs and therapies. Advancements in the branches of pharmaceutical sciences enhance the development of new reliable entities. Every aspect of the pharmaceutical science deals with the design, action, delivery, and disposition of drugs.
According to the 2015 EU Pharma industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector amounts to 18.2% of total business R&D expenditure worldwide.On the other side Europe pharma manufacturing is 225000 €millions and exports were 361500 €millions. Europe spent 31,500 €millions on pharmaceutical R&D in 2015 while US spent 47,061€millions.
- Biopharmaceutics
- Physical Pharmaceutics
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacogenomics
- Bio informatics
- Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Sterilization
- Pharmacognocy
- Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence
- Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
- Pharmaceutical Botany
- Pharmacoepidemiology
- Biochemistry
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Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference Speakers
Recommended Sessions
- Advances in Clinical Trials
- Bio-avilability and Bio-equivalence
- Drug Delivery Systems
- Drug Discovery & Research
- Drug Disposition & Biological Products
- Drug Therapy
- Entrepreneurs Investment Meet
- Ethics In Pharmacy
- Good Manufacturing Practices
- Innovations in Drug Development
- Pharma Marketing
- Pharmaceutical Analysis
- Pharmaceutical Drug Formulations
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety
- Pharmacy & Pharmacist
- Regulatory Affairs & Intellectual Property Rights